

Welcome to the  HPV & Cervical Cancer Prevention & Awareness Blog . The purpose of this blog is to make others aware of  HPV Facts , free and low cost  Prevention Resources , and a personal story about  How I Fought HPV . This blog is meant to encourage and inspire others who may have come in contact with this virus, as well as offer resources to prevent the virus from becoming Cervical Cancer. HPV is the cause of 100% of cervical cancers worldwide.  Since we know that the HPV virus causes cervical cancer, it is very important to be screened regularly and do our best to prevent the occurance of cancer.  Because of recent advances in modern medicine and availability of information about HPV, there is no excuse why any woman should ever have to suffer from cervical cancer ever again.  I have a list of resources where women in the United States can get a yearly pap screening free of charge ....

Screen for High Risk HPV at Home

Scientific Study in Mexico Cures HPV

To Vaccinate ... or NOT to Vaccinate

Update: July 2017

Update: May 2016


Update: January 2014

The Cryosurgery

How I Fought HPV

My Story


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