Screen for High Risk HPV at Home

Visiting the gynecologist is something I am used to these days. After numerous bouts of HPV and pre-cancerous lesions, cryosurgery, and Pap tests every 6 months, I call myself a real pro. However, I do appreciate my privacy and sometimes, I wish I could just test for HPV at home.

Currently, there is no cure for HPV although some scientists in Mexico have made some awesome discoveries, and I have been HPV-free for the majority of the past 5 years by following a specific diet. However, I found a product that is really exciting to me because it offers me the ability to check myself for HPV in the comfort of my own home. This saves me the co-pay fee of a doctor visit... Not to mention my time and dignity.

The product is: Everlywell - at-Home HPV Test - Female - Screen for High-Risk HPV and it can be purchased online--to further preserve your dignity and privacy. It works just like the doctor's test. You use the swab, send your sample off for testing, and receive results within days!

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I don't know about you, but I can tell you that this is about to save me a lot of time, money, and preserve some of my dignity and preserve some privacy. Have you tried it? Let me know in the comments below!
